Psycholinguistics is a course that is designed for third year EFL students at the English department at Jijel University. Psycholinguistics is an interdisciplinary field of study that combines the fields of linguistics and psychology. It deals with the psychological, and neurobiological factors influencing humans' acquisition, comprehension, use, and production of language. Psycholinguists attempt to answer three main questions:

•What is knowledge of language?
•How is knowledge of language acquired?
•How is knowledge of language put to use?

The first question represents the static or representational area of psycholinguistics; how language is stored in the human memory. The second question concerns the dynamic and procedural aspect that deals with language acquisition. This sub-branch is called Developmental Psycholinguistics. The third area in psycholinguistics pertains to language processing. This relates to the area of language production and language comprehension. 

Enseignant: Hamida Bouzekria

Ce cours "Méthodologie de la recherche" est dédié aux étudiants en Master 2 du Département de Langue Anglaise de l'Université de Jijel. Le cours implique les concepts fondamentaux et les méthodologies de recherche qui sont une exigence pour mener des recherches et rédiger un mémoire de master pour l'obtention du diplôme.

Introduction to Linguistics II is a course which is addressed to second year BA students at the Department of English, University of Jijel. After being introduced to linguistics during their first year, the present course completes the introduction to the field and helps students in examining the different linguistic theories and approaches of the 20th century. It particularly aims at providing them with the necessary linguistic background via tracking the development of linguistics over the years. It also allows them fathom the discrepancies existing between various linguistic approaches, their strengths and weaknesses. Not only the course is of a theoretical nature, but also of a practical one whereby the students can use language and provide examples when discussing linguistic notions.

Discourse Analysis simply refers to the linguistic analysis of connected writing and speech. The major focus in Discourse Analysis is the use of language in social context. Discourse Analysis focuses not only on the linguistic symbols used, but also on all the features that accompany language, which include the paralinguistic features, such as gestures and kinesics. Discourse Analysis has to do with the study of language in use, so it is concerned with the performance of the language user.

Since literary texts are human productions, the aesthetic value a work of literature is accorded, more often than not, lies in the ability of that work to depict the spirit of the era in which it was written. Therefore, in literature the elements of any movements could be thematic, formal and stylistics. Literary texts is a course designed for second year BA students at the Department of English Language - University of Mohamed Seddik Benyahia, Jijel. The overall aim of this course is to go over some literary movements that were played out in American literature. In doing so, students will establish a comprehensive understanding of literary genres. Moreover, they will discover what literary theory is and how literary criticism is to be applied to different literary texts.

Oral Expression is a course which is addressed to first-year BA students at the Department of English Language - University of Mohammed Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel. The overall objective of this course is to develop students' oral communication skills through a variety of communication activities with the use of media. Oral language lays the foundation for the language four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) which students will develop as they enter and progress through university. They will use oral language in all aspects of their education, in the classroom as they connect with their peers and teachers, and throughout their lives. Having a solid foundation in oral language will help students become successful readers and strong communicators as well as build their confidence and overall sense of well-being.

TEFL / English Didactics is a course which is addressed to third-year BA students at the Department of English Language - University of Mohammed Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel. This course is the science of teaching and learning the English language, and it has two aims: it provides practice guiding theoretical concepts and at the same time applies itself to the empiric research of contexts concerning teaching and learning language, and it is an important link between the scientific education at the university and the occupational field school.

Academic writing is clear, concise, focused, structured and backed up by evidence. Its purpose is to aid the reader's understanding. It has a formal tone and style, but it is not complex and does not require the use of long sentences and complicated vocabulary. Each subject discipline will have certain writing conventions, vocabulary and types of discourse that you will become familiar with over the course of your degree. However, there are some general characteristics of academic writing that are relevant across all disciplines.

This course is addressed to second-year licence students. 

This course teaches writing in a straightforward manner, using a step-by-step approach. Clear, relevant examples illustrate each step, and varied practices reinforce each chapter.

  • Listing several features of effective academic writing.
  • Avoiding sentence problems.
  • Defining the following concepts: fragments, comma splice, run-on sentence, choppy sentence, stringy sentence, parallelism.
  • Ameliorating the learners' writing style.
  • knowing the five key stages of the writing process.

Psycholinguistics is a course which is addressed to third-year BA students at the English Department-University of Mohammed Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel. In a nutshell, Psycholinguistics is defined as the study of the interrelation between linguistic factors and psychological aspects. Psycholinguists are often interested in knowing how language and speech are acquired (Acquisition), how language and speech are produced (Production), how language and speech are comprehended (Comprehension), and how language and speech are lost (Dissolution). In accordance with this line of thought, the students in this course will be introduced to an intriguing aspect of psycholinguistics which is “Language Acquisition”. Particularly, light will be shed on the stages of first language acquisition. In other words, the students will be acquainted with developmental psycholinguistics. Moreover, examples of feral and isolated children will be brought to the fore so as to highlight the issue of the existence of a critical age for First Language Acquisition. Whether or not such a critical age  could be extended to Second Language Acquisition will also be discussed.

An overview of literary movements that took place in the United States of America since the colonial era until today. Literary texts of different genres are to be discussed.